Women - stated superior to men, have always been in talks no matter what and also have been blamed over any crime over their existence. The matter of talk is what is the problem? Is it that women have some body parts dragging a “kind” of men who cannot control their sexual desires and the matter of them being “men” in the society? Or is it just as women have been treated as objects for long generations back then and are still now. Women have faced harassment and tortures over the 60s and 70s. It is the 21st century, and unfortunately it still exists. People are globally moving forward, in “advanced” lifestyles, in open environments in the homes and workplaces but the point of thinking has always been the same as that of those times. This post is not to blame those men and humans who have been supportive, sensible and gentle to the humans around them, this is for those who have no idea what is their “advanced and positive” thinking about. This is not in favor of any woman but in general of those who face harassment every now and then. Women are not even safe in their homes. Yes, they are NOT safe. Stepping out of the house is troublesome even for an hour. You are starred, judged, body-shamed, viewed as “marriage material” or “hook up bot” constantly by random people whom you don't even know. People have lost it. Seriously, humanity is lost. Animals also understand to maintain a way of respecting other animals of their species, or their tribe, but humans are a devastation to this whole world. Getting judged, forced into doing irrational things which are against the norms and “rules”, getting harassed at work, forced into “going down” just to get that promotion that they deserve through their hard work and many more. Your male colleagues putting you some sexiest names and calling you by the c- word. The street stranger men staring at you as you walk to get your daily shit done, what do we opt? To stay numb and never express what it feels?

But hey, wait a minute, it doesn’t end there. Since the greatest times, women have always been asked to prove their purity and their truthiness. Women get raped, harassed, burnt down irrespective of who they are, what clothing they wear, which background they come from. Irrespective of whether she asked for it or not, she gets raped , brutally raped, that pain flowing through her body and the criminals not realizing it. This is loss of humanity in a form. To all those who say its the kind of dress that you wear which attracts men to rape you, a 6 month old baby girl gets raped, a woman in burka gets raped, a woman carrying her child to the hospital gets raped, a woman treating patients gets harassed, a woman who is out of the caste of criminals gets raped, a woman who wishes to return back home safely gets raped. The clothes we wear, the makeup we do, the smile we put are not for “attracting” any men, not for any purpose of “bringing it on ourselves” and for no wish to get sexually harassed. No woman complains to get fame and money. Taylor swift, known as one of the richest female singers in the world surely did not report her case for some dollars of money. Then what do women exactly want? A safe, welcoming and trustworthy environment to live in. that’s it. It's no more or less than that. And men out there, we need you in this fight for safety. We need that support, nothing happens correct when turned down on one side. What can we do to stop harassment? Firstly, workplaces should impose norms which should be followed strictly to avoid workplace harassment. Approach the bystanders who are meant to help you out in harassment or any cruel cases. Don't sit numb to save your career. Walking everyday with a fear of getting harassed is not what we live for. This is a serious request to all men out there, we need you in this fight. We need you for the support in approaching this basic standard of humanity.

Every human should be protected but every criminal must be charged to brutality of the crime he/she does. And to all women out and in their homes, fearing to speak up truly of their incidents, no one is going to eat you up. No one will abandon you. The society may be against you but you are a part of it. Be fierce. Speak out. Stand tall and raise your hand against this brutality. It may or may not happen with you, for god’s sake should not happen with anyone, but it might happen with your colleague, or a woman out just like you. Let’s do it for us, our coming generations, our lives and let's stand together until all this eradicates completely.