We don't know your exact origin. We don't know where this world began. We don't even know if we are alone in this universe or are there more? We have no answers to thousands of these mysteries. And I wish these mysteries would get no answers. There is a power beyond science that makes this whole universal setup world. there are forces far beyond stated in your physics book. there is something so strong holding on these and balancing it all out. we don't know who. and let's always keep it a secret. You, Planet Earth, hold us stronger for thousands of years. With 7 billion humans, 8.7 million animal species in the world, and over 10,000 species of birds, with a lot of insects, microbes, and the tiniest creatures, you are a healer. You have the power to retaliate for the damage we did to you. Unlike the animal kingdom, we humans don't have varieties of beings.

But, we have something worse than that number. The attitude of taking you granted. For all the greed we had, we destroyed your heart. We made holes in it to make our empire. We did all wrong for our greed, luxuries, and whatnot. When we had the resources you provided in abundance, we used it all up in greed, without caring of what next. We destroyed it all. Right from the layer of protection, you provided up there, to the healing you did from the soil, we did nothing but pollution, extinction of some species, used up most of your fossil fuels and whatnot. This year has been a set back to human life, you showed it and are still proving that the damage we did to you is immense. And we continue damaging you. We dump plastic and other waste that are non-destructive. We polluted the purest of water you gave us. We had it all, but we cared for nothing. our ancestors and the apes were better to you than us. We also made it to mutate viruses to kill our kind. Why? No one knows. But, amidst all this, you healed. you are healing. Healing out of your strength. Even if 5 of us are trying to reverse your damage, 10 others are careless in destroying and using you. We need you to make them understand that though we humans may reach the Moon, Mars, the end of this solar system, or enter the other galaxy, there is no good place sustainable as what you are. we need you always to sustain a healthy life. We locked ourselves in our own homes because some of our rarest of beings tried destroying us for cruel reasons. you did everything for us, you showed us what is your power. It's time we help you heal you. to all the humans who care about their life, this world environment day, let's reverse the damage. Let's make it all possible to live in a healthy ecosystem. Let's make it an everyday habit of saving our planet and all its species.

Let's keep it all safe and secure for our co-existing creatures. Because we cannot sustain without them but they can without us. Love the planet as much as you love yourself and it will love you back more. Some of us may find Planet B, but there is no replacement for the place you are born. The situation we are in right now is because Karma works. No one can fall out of his deeds as once Sir Newton proved - To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Stay Home! Stay Safe! And do your bit to save the planet.