Where are we living right now? On a planet where every other person next to us is talking about a pandemic that evolved because of humans, spread by humans and is devastating humans. Yes, even i am talking about the same. COVID-19, a corona virus everyone is worried to not get hunted by.
We humans have plans on what to do when and how. We know what are the consequences of a particular action. We know it all. Because, we are humans. Education made us literate but maybe not sensible. We know it all, still are careless. We limit our thoughts to a self-boundary and not thinking on a wider perspective worsens things. Why do we need to do it for all? Why do we need to think about the world? And questions like these limit us from being a global savior.
We humans are the same- to nature, to animals, to the masses around us and in particular, to this whole planet. Human actions are responsible for the situation we are facing right now. Each of us is responsible in some or the other way in destroying this planet.

We burnt the amazons, cleared the last African bushes and let Australia into fire-you got that right! We did not burn out a matchstick to burn the forests, we did not take out axes to clear the wildlife lands, but we did sit in the room with a air conditioner put on for long to get in cool and let out heat, raise the planet temperature every single day, putting the polar sheets melting, sea levels rising and extincting animals out of nowhere. We did pray for Australia, we did get a hit in our heart for the Amazons, and now too, we pray for this virus to go way out from the masses. Just praying and posting on media platforms won't make changes, act for it. We are slowly destroying ourselves.
Destroying all the forests and wildlife, we are moving and coming in contact with the wild creatures and species. Be it plants or animals, wildlife forests are meant for the creatures that belong there and not for us. If these creatures invade human spaces, we cage them, kill them or put them behind boxed bars for life. Did we take a moment of why they came along to wave us? We are invading them. We are going in there. We forget that they have an equal or greater share of this planet of what we do. It is easy raising puppies and cats in our home, it is hard saving these helpless creatures.

If we would have been prepared for the novel corona virus, we would have tracked the spread and restricted it. It is a mild buddy of the epidemic, but takes away a life every time it hits in all the way along. If we don't take charge of our actions for the global cause, it's no time to see another outbreak taking life in masses and maybe your loved ones too. Think before you act. The planet needs restoration and care. One good step from a human can lead a great global heal. Otherwise, in no time we see the world sinking with our own eyes. On the note, take care of yourself. Wash your hands as often as you touch surfaces. Leave those masks in the stores for the healthcare providers and sick people. Wash your feet too. Sanitize your phone, as maybe, you take it to the bathroom as well! Stay at home and get medical help if you are sick. Calm people down as panic worsens the situation. In case of anxiety, meditate and talk to your loved ones. Maintain proper hygiene for yourself and in turn for others. It is a mild one and will surely go away. But take care of your actions. Your actions can take your own and your loved ones' life in no time. Remember, taking steps to save this earth is all you need to do because wealth combined from 7 billion people won't buy you another planet. Until next time, take care.